Thursday, May 28, 2009

Police Interdiction at Bus Terminals

Collier County, Florida.

(Name withheld) was arrested at an east Naples bus station on 6.28.09 by members of the Collier Sheriff's Office Interdiction Team.

When (name withheld) was approached by the officers "a strong marijuana odor" was detected and a search turned up 1,000 ecstasy pills was found on him.

Detectives approached him as part of a routine patrol conducted with the cooperation of Greyhound Bus Lines.

WTF? An interdiction team on routine patrol with the cooperation of Greyhound Bus Lines?

Do police around the country stake out all the bus lines and terminals?
Are interdiction teams lurking about at railroad stations?
Do they check the names of taxi passengers?
Are they profiling?

Just something for YOU to think about.

Another thing I read over and over again "A strong marijuana odor was detected" stated as the reason to conduct a search.

Is it illegal to smell like Marijuana?

Calling all entrepreneurs. How about making a cologne/perfume that smells like marijuana? That would drive the police interdiction teams crazy.

Musing here: Say a Senate Page walked through the hollowed out halls wearing your Ode-dePot colongne/perfume, How many Senators would flash back and make a dash for the cafeteria?


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