Monday, June 15, 2009

WTF Fox News?

I am watch president Obama talking about the health care reforms.

While I am watching, I am switching between Fox and MSNBC news.

On fox, the color is off and Obama's voice is tinny sounding.

The biggest difference that I notice though is that on Fox News, when the audience applauds, the volume is potted down. Potting is an old radio term for changing the volume, not that I was ever a disc jockey at a small college in the Midwest. Who? Me?

I have compared Fox News to CNN, CNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and others with the same result. This is the first that I have noticed fox turning down the applause.

Try this yourself. I would really like to see side by side video of this.

Remember, theses speeches are produced with the same camera and the same microphones. It is a news feed that goes out exactly to all the news services. How it is rebroadcast to you is up to the individual news agencies.

WTF Fox News? Even a crazy old man can catch on to your bias.


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