Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sheriff Mike Scott Beats the Hatch Act Rap

The Hatch act is intended to prevent public officials from becoming involved in elections.

A Florida sheriff, Mike Scott, was charged with violating this act when he, dressed in his Sheriffs Chief uniform, spoke to 9,000 people at a Republican rally for Sarah Palin. He brought up Barack Hussein Obama with an emphasis on Hussein hoping to invoke a tie to terrorism and fear.

Erica Hamrick, deputy chief of the Hatch Act Unit said that The U.S office of Special Counsel Says that Scott did violate the Hatch Act but closed the case when she thought the federal board that rules on these matters may not rule in the Special Counsels favor.

The Florida Commission of Ethics could have investigated Scott for corruptly using his office for gain. They choose not to investigate the complaints.

Some also are questioning whether Scott violated the county code of ethics. The statute says no county government employees are allowed to wear any uniform or clothing that would identify them as such while engaging in a political campaign not sponsored by the county, even if they are off-duty. But the sheriff, according to Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Larry King, is not considered an employee of the county — he is an elected official. His budget (Pay check) is approved by the county, but he answers to the governor and to his constituents.

Sheriff Scott said "This official closure is my second vindication.....The first was on Inauguration Day when our president put his hand on the bible and took the oath with the exact same name I mentioned in my speech."

Sheriff Scott said this 6 days later about an officer he fired. "It is always regrettable to part company with members on unfavorable terms; however, our standards remain high and our tolerance for wrongdoing low." The officer was fired for downloading porn on his office computer, not illegal but is against sheriff office policies. What Scott did is also wrong, legaly wrong, but the Sheriff gets away with it.

WTF! Scott, It must be nice to be a Republican in a Republican county in a Republican state. Double standards X 3.


1 comment:

  1. Enzo Vincenzi wins case !

    By order of Judge Fuller, all property is to be returned !!

    After 5 years of fighting Lee County, 6 attorneys, 3 judges and perseverance, Enzo was vindicated..

    Congratulations Enzo, You put up  a good fight and succeeded with the truth 
    Read more about Enzo's battle at : 
    http://leecountyconspiracy.net/ and http://enzovincenzi.com

    $250,000.00 CASH REWARD for Any Information Leading To The ARREST! and Conviction! of Public Corrupted Sheriff Mike Scott for Organized Public Corruption Fortune Tellers Mortgage Fraud Cover Up with (Fact) Con Artist Convicted Felon Criminal Miriam Pacheco aka "La Madrina Miriam" and Co-conspirators Using the same Modus Operandi as Convicted Detective Jack M. Makler who was sentenced to FIVE YEARS in Federal Prison.

    We are looking for anyone who has any information leading to the ARREST and CONVICTION of Public Corrupted Sheriff Mike Scott engaging in Organized Public Corruption Conspiracies Cover Ups, Mortgage Fraud Cover Ups with Sgt Keith Day of the Lee County Sheriff's Economic Crimes Unit, Public Corrupted Sheriff Mike Scott violating RICO Laws In The State of Florida for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Statue Act, Title 18 United States Code Sections 1961-1968.

    FOR MORE DETAILED SPECIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE SHERIFF MIKE SCOTT $250,000.00 (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars) CASH REWARD LEADING TO THE ARREST and CONVIVTION of Public Corrupted Crooked SHERIFF MIKE SCOTT Visit www.enzovincenzi.com and www.leecountyconspiracy.net.

    Public Corruption is a CRIME.
    What Can You Do About It?

    Anyone who has any information leading to the ARREST and Conviction of Miriam Pacheco, Maria T. Torres, Marvin Torres and Blanca Rosa Sachtouras CONTACT N.Y./Florida Investigator Bob Nygaard at 561-596-3443.
