Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why bother being a middle class consumer?

You are stupid! 
You assume a massive debit load to pay for college so you can learn a "skill" in a career you hate or will grow to hate, that was misrepresented by your university just to make enough money to keep your head above water and try to consume all that you are told that you need. 

40 hours a week plus commute time minus commute expense, wearing the "correct" clothing, eating overpriced and unhealthy crap for lunch. Overtime pay? forget-bout it punk. In this new mobile world, you are on call 24/7 and may the lice help you if you are not hovering over your black-bury-me or the cell. You are in a cell Mr. and Mrs America.
You are owned by the man.

Turn on, tune in, drop out. What this means to me is a Bauhaus style of life. Less is more but I wax philosophic upon you.
So, you need to buy stuff to feed your addiction. The newest car, yada,yada,yada. Put it on the plastic, yada,yada,yada.

But wait, the newest i machine from Apple is here! My car is almost two years old and sucks....only three more years of those easy $499 a month payments. Upkeep? WTF is that? My "partner" skipped town and stuck me with the bills. My hard drive crashed and I need new tires.

I was on this path. I worked myself into a broken body but I had reached the promised land for the family. Then the "X" crashed the finances but I kept to the plan, only to have everything snatched away a couple of more times. 

With no family to take care of, being miserable and beginning to die from the work....I dropped out.

I have used my repair skills, cooking and faithful companionship in trade for a roof overhead and food. I travel the area picking dumpsters for items to sell on ebay for my medications.

I now travel at a top speed of 30 mph. I get to look at the world, smell the restaurants, smell the skunk at grow houses. I can spend an hours just watching ants figure out how to carry a large dead cockroach up the wall.
Some ailments have healed or at least are more controllable. Others have no plan on letting go of me. 

Just think how your life will turn out and I will wager that you will be 100% wrong.


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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We are all Bozo's on this Republican Bus! Republicans Explain Evolution!

Mystical Male Voice: [rumbling sounds] Before the beginning, there was this turtle. And the turtle was alone. And he looked around. And he saw his neighbor, which was his mother, and he lay down on top of his neighbor, [coyote howl] and behold, she bore him in tears, an oak tree, which grew all day, and then fell over, [coyote howl] like a bridge. And low, under the bridge there came a catfish, and he was very big, [coyote howls] and he was walking, [more howls] and he was the biggest he had seen. [starts fading] And so, with the fiery balls of this fish, one of which is the sun, and the other, they called the moon… [sounds end]

Calm Male Narrator: Yes, some uncomplicated peoples still believe this myth. But here in the technical vastness of The Future, we can guess that surely, the past was very different. [begins fading] We can surmise, for instance, that these two great balls… [sounds end]

Echoey Male Voice: We know for certain, for instance, that for some reason, for some time in the beginning, there were hot lumps. Cold and lonely, they whirled noiselessly through the black holes of space [reverb effect here]. These insignificant lumps came together to form the first union, our sun, the heating system. And about this glowing gas bag, rotated the earth, a cats-eye among aggies, [reverb begins to really build] blinking in astonishment across the face… of time. [reverb overwhelmes everything, sounds disappear]

First Male Lecturer: [lecture room noises, voice quiet in the room] Well, we were covered with a molten scum of rocks, bobbing on the surface like rats. Later, when there was less heat, these giant rock groups settled down among the land masses. During this extinct time, our Earth was like a steam-room, and no one, not even man, could get in. [coughs start in audience] However, the oceans and the sewers were simmering with a rich protein stew, and the mountains moved in to surround and protect them. They didn’t know then that living as we know it was already taken over. Thank you. [a round of applause, constant coughs begin]

Second Male Lecturer: [brief rustling of paper] Animals without… backbones… hid from each other, or fell down. Clamosaurs and oysterettes appeared as appetizers. Then came the sponges, which sucked up about 10%… of all life. [more rustling] [clears throat] Hundreds of years later, in the Late Devouring Period, fish became obnoxious. [clears throat] Trailerbikes, chiggerbites, and miskweetoes collided aimlessly in the dense gas. Finally [bit more rustling], tiny, edible plants sprang up in rows, giving birth to generations of insecticides and other small, dying creatures. Thank you. [applause, new rumbling sound sets in]

Male Voice With Throaty Reverb: [some African flutes and drums play] Millions of months passed, and, 28 days later, the moon appeared. This small change was reflected best, perhaps, in the sand dollar, which shrank to almost nothing at the bottom of the pool, where even dumb amphibians, like catfish, laid their eggs in the boiling waters, only to be gobbled up every three minutes by the giant sea orphans and jungle bunnies, which scared everybody. [music begins to build] And so, IN FEAR AND HOT WATER, [music approaches a climax] A REPUBLICAN IS BORN!!!"

Firesign Theater - “The Wall Of Science”
I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus (1971)
WTF Steve?
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Friday, November 19, 2010

Wake Up Asshole, it's Time to DIE!!!

The Hand That Feeds, the future is here, wake up!

Welcome to your future moron! The future is closer than you think. The future is NOW!!

You're keeping in step
In the line
Got your chin held high and you feel just fine
Because you do
What you're told
But inside your heart it is black and it's hollow and it's cold

Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you want to change it?

What if this whole crusade's
A charade
And behind it all there's a price to be paid
For the blood
On which we dine
Justified in the name of the holy and the divine

Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you want to change it?

So naive
I keep holding on to what I want to believe
I can see
But I keep holding on and on and on and on

Will you bite the hand that feeds you?
Will you stay down on your knees?

NINE INCH NAILS~The hand that feeds.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rick Scott, Tea Baging Florida one old fart at a time.

Welcome to the land that time forgot. The everglades swamp, gators the size of a small car.

Now the biggest gator of the land has spent $73,000,000.00 from the $300,000,000.00 of "earnings" his former hospital corporation, Columbia/HCA  ripping off Medicare to the tune of, ready for this?  $1.7 BILLION DOLLARS....That's $1,700,000,000.00 dollars his company was fined for taking YOUR money.

So this Scott dude, The same guy who allowed systemic and rampant fraud of the federal government to take place, runs for governor and wins. ...because people who he stole from are too stupid to listen to anything other than FOX and the Florida republican news media.

Florida votes a multi BILLION dollar thief into office!!!!!!

 Now Scott is paying his staffers with gift cards!
Could the Scott campaign be using the cards to pay their staffers in denominations so small, they don’t have to report the wages to the IRS?

Solantic, the Scott company that operates a string of for-profit clinics across Florida
Charged with employment discrimination, Medicare fraud, wrongful death,
repeatedly used doctors name and medical license information without their permission or knowledge. By allegedly misappropriating their information, the company was able to keep clinics operating in contravention of state law.

 Scott and Solantic have repeatedly refused to release any of the settlement agreements, depositions, or any other information they can conceal behind a wall of confidentiality.

And so the collapse of Florida begins!

Oh, The new Lt. Governor is being investigated by the FBI for forgery.

WTF happened to this country when the crooks rule openly?


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Thursday, August 19, 2010

WTF People Wake up or It's Game Over Man

I often wonder why young Americans did nothing to protest the outrageous criminal regime that had taken control of the United States in 2004.  Where was the resistance? Two illegal wars, a growing police state, and several trillion dollars stolen by criminal bankers from the American people -- why didn't you protest, resist- burn tires in the streets?

Having grown up during the Vietnam War, I was immersed in the protest movement and vibrant anti-war music and culture of the 1960s.  "Lucky Man" by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer is a good example of the anti-war music of the time.  I find it odd that there is no similar anti-war movement or music today.  Faced with never-ending wars in the Middle East, today's youth seem completely apathetic and apolitical.

The photo of a summary execution by a South Vietnamese police chief showed the lawlessness of the war.

During those years, the United States was engaged in an undeclared war of aggression in Southeast Asia that nobody really understood.  Every week, the American people saw actual photos from the war in LIFE magazine and could easily see through the deception that we were fighting "communism".   After 8 years of war in Afghanistan and 18 years in Iraq, however, there is no similar photo-journalism of comparable quality coming from the "embedded" journalists covering these wars.  Likewise, there is virtually no anti-war music or protest movement against the criminal wars being fought in our name.


The famous photo of Vietnamese children burned with napalm changed U.S. public opinion about the war.

An x-KGB agent said "Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate and open. You can see it with your own eyes.... It has nothing to do with espionage... in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85 percent is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American [so] that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

So when Fox news or any of their Far right pundits spread one of the hate stories, they change the very soul of American reality to the point that is easily manipulated. 

If you announce a big enough lie and will repeat it, then people at the end will believe it" Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler.

I will point out one of many stories for you. 

The constant rant that Obama is not from America. Proof can not dissuade them.  and now, thanks to people like the Fox News, birther's, etc. 1 out of 5 Americans believe that he is Muslim. Twice as many people believe this now than did a year ago. See how it works now?

If you are one that believe he is a Muslim. You will fight hard for what you "know to be true"
If you know he is not a Muslim. These people have two choices. Most likely, you will just sit there with your thumb up your butt. 

Us older people, we have seen this dance and we know the tune, We have stood up against the hysterical crowd before you were born and too long afterwords.

"He can not be president because he will run the government by and for his church!"
"He is controlled by foreign interests."
"A person of that religion can not and should not be president."

Sound familiar?

No, I am not talking about Barrack Obama. These are the reasons given for why John F. Kennedy should not be president because he was Catholic.

Your choice now! sit there and do nothing, we all lose to the rabble. Your freedoms will be taken away one by one as they have been but you have not been concerned to notice. This is how the Nazis took over Germany.

The controlled media today censors and sanitizes the images and information about the wars and the human suffering the aggression has caused to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.  The public is kept in the dark about the true costs of the illegal wars, both human and financial.  Most importantly, the U.S. media keeps powerful images like these from the Vietnam and Iraq wars off the pages of our newspapers.

After nearly 19 years of fighting and bombing Iraqis, very few images of the human cost of the war have been published.  The ones that have been seen are horrible beyond belief and reveal the criminal nature of the war of aggression.

A U.S. Marine killing injured Iraqis in a mosque in Fallujah, November 13, 2004 (NBC/AP)

Cristopher Bollyn's blog pushed me to write this though I do not represent his views.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Batavus Moped and Me

Welcome to my world. This is now my transportation, a 1977 Dutch Batavus Moped

First of all, this is a real moped. The word Moped is derived from the term motorized-pedal.
All the time, shady dealers attempt to pawn off their Chinese crap scooters as mopeds because "mopeds don't need a license" This is not necessarily true but here in the melanoma state, a moped does need to have pedals and be under 50cc , otherwise you need a title and a motor cycle license.

So now, this is main transportation. It is not that I can't drive because of a DUI, I have chosen this mode of transport. My own personal protest against "the man" You may have the pleasure of picking who "the man" is.

So here I am. My world has become smaller but more intimate. With a few modifications "tuning" the Ped got a three MPH increase to 28mph and that has has made a very noticeable change.
Rust from the fuel system

Remember Earth Day in 1970? My generation who was going to fight the pollution has ended up becoming huge polluters.  The pollution is there but it is not seem as much in the US sky's and now we have oil laying on the floor of the gulf. Hidden from view but destined to taint many lives for many years.

All this not withstanding in the wind. I enjoy the feel of freedom riding around. About 2/3 of the people I see smile. The other 1/3 are just asses because they can be. I always give these folks a little rev as I go by hoping for a backfire.  WTF, I iz a little bastard! I am old and I can say what I want!

I will keep up with reports of this new transportation mode of mine. I may even give some history and repair advise but that depends how generous I am feeling that day.

May the wind always be behind me, I need the boost. You may now kiss my shamrock.

Swarm and conquer!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rebuplicans eat their own

At a cost of $40-50,000, Florida lawmakers held a special session called for by Florida's Governor Charlie Crist. Crist had proposed to let voters choose in November to put a permanent ban on offshore drilling in the state's constitution.

Remember Bush Sr? Kudos to him for prohibiting drilling off Florida state waters. Mainly because the family would vacation in Boca Grande to fish in Pine Island Sound. By putting the ban in Florida's constitution, it would make it much more difficult to overturn like California did.

71 percent of Florida voters wanted the chance to vote on the oil drilling ban.

And WTF do you think happened in our Republican majority House? After 49 minutes and no debate, the vote to adjourn the session, without a vote on the drilling ban, broke down along party lines, 67-44.

The Florida Senate, which had planned to meet through Friday, adjourned hours after the House vote, saying there was no point in conducting a debate when there was no chance a bill would pass.

The Florida Republicans hatred of Charlie Crist stems from his acceptance of stimulus money and a one armed hug he gave Obama. 

Because of this passionate embrace, Florida Republicans adjourned partly as a bid by Republicans to weaken Crist and deny him a victory he could use after leaving the Republican Party to run for the U.S. Senate as an independent, against tea party Marco Rubio.
Florida had received $8.2 billion in stimulus funds. Governor Crist says that has created or  saved 87,000 jobs, including 26,000 teaching jobs.

A majority of Floridians make their livelihood from the $6,000,000,000 tourism Industry.

They work their asses off in the heat and humidity so that visitors can have a good time. We want our beaches saved and we want a say in it and what have the Republicans told us?


At the next!  Remember, you ARE the boss of these assholes. You hired them, you can fire them!

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Rebublicans Hump bp's Leg!

WTF!!!!!!!Like the well paid whore dogs they are, Republicans are sticking up for bp! WTF!!!!!!!

Mississippi governor Haley Barbor (R) said that “It’s just as possible that what happens here will be manageable and of moderate and even minimal impact.” Barbour further went on to caution against “washing our face in it” but said the spill could still render the ocean safe enough to allow “jumping off the boat to ski.” 

Will killing all the animals in the Gulf of Mexico make the water safe for you wussy governor?

When the Obama administration did something useful and scored the $20 billion escrow account, Barbour expressed “concern” that the fund could cut into BP’s profits.

BTW, If you didn't know, bp's profits for the first quarter of 2010 were $5.6 BILLION.

Sen. Inhofe (R) of Oklahoma blocked a bill to raise the cap on corporate oil spill liability from the ridiculously piddling amount of $80 million. "Any company that can't afford to clean up its own messes doesn't deserve the right to drill off-shore.

Michele Bachmann (R) called the escrow account a “redistribution of wealth fund.”
Former Texas Representative Dick Armey (R) said that Obama lacks the constitutional authority to set up such a fund.
Georgia Representative Tom Price (R) said, "BP's reported willingness to go along with the White House's new fund suggests that the Obama administration is hard at work exerting its brand of Chicago-style shakedown politics. These actions are emblematic of a politicization of our economy that has been borne out of this administration's drive for greater power and control."

Joe Barton (R) of Texas, The top recipient of oil and gas industry campaign contributions of $1,447,880. left this steaming pile of dog shit on the Congressional Senate floor after his massive leg hump. 

I'm speaking now totally for myself. I'm not speaking for the Republican Party, I'm not speaking for anybody in the House of Representatives but myself. But I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation could be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown--in this case, a $20 billion shakedown--with the attorney general of the United States, who is legitimately conducting a criminal investigation, and has every right to do so to protect the interests of the American people, participating in what amounts to a $20 billion slush fund that's unprecedented in our nation's history, that's got no legal standing, and which sets, I think, a terrible precedent for the future ... There is no question that BP is liable for the damages. But we have a due process system where we go through hearings, in some cases court cases, litigation, and determine what those damages are and when those damages should be paid. So I'm only speaking for myself, I'm not speaking for anybody else, but I apologize. I do not want to live in a country where any time a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong, he's subjected to some sort of political pressure that is again, in my words, amounts to a shakedown. So I apologize. 

So please leave the country! Only the oil companies will miss you bitch.

And the "CMA*" award goes to.........

Republican House leaders John Boehner (R), Eric  Cantor (R) and Mike Pence (R)  whom came out with the following statement.

"BP itself has acknowledged that responsibility for the economic damages lies with them and has offered an initial pledge of $20 billion dollars for that purpose,"
*Cover My Ass, not Country Music Awards.
With all these R's coming to poor, small bp's rescue from the tyrannical Obama, They sounds like a bunch of pirates to me!

WTF? people! These republicans are sending into the hole while pushing you off a cliff at the same time. These unamerican bitches do not care for you the SMALL people. Forget them when you vote, as if you could actually drag your sorry ass off the couch. You won't vote or you have no idea who you are voting for, such as the case of Greene-D in South Carolina. All you can do is sit and bitch, bitch.

"ARRRRR, we are here to plunder you! ARRRRRRRR


Monday, May 24, 2010

Do Hurricanes and Oil Mix? or BP, not for ME!

This is your Oil Spill !

This is a Hurricane !

Any questions

BP ? 

I have one....WTF were you thinking?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Snap, Crackle & Pop Rice Titties. The treat that can't be beat!

 WTF? Japan?

A couple of times a year, Japan's Triumph International unveils a themed undergarment based on a current trend or issue. Bringing women closer to agriculture is the company's latest inspiration for crazy conceptual underwear, which takes form in the shape of the Rice Bra.

This year's first offering hopes to help focus young people's attention on the serious issue of agriculture, rice production in particular. Needless to say, there's nothing that will make youngsters sit up and take notice like a couple of bra cups that come together to make a handy rice planter.

Behind each of the planters, bra pads roll out to double up as protection from the sun for the arms, while the straps feature sparkling decorations to dissuade pesky airborne pests from stealing your crop. The kit comes with a pair of "authentic" work shorts - fastened to the rear are removable work gloves emblazoned with symbols for harvest, and a water hose serves as a belt. A pouch of soil and seed starters are also included.

Before planting any seeds, though, a prospective farmer will need to remove the bra from the wearer. After that, all the benefits of the outdoor life can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Thank you Japan!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Watch Disasters while flipping burgers on the Balcony of your Private Jet

If you find yourself asking questions such as "What wine goes with a famine?" or "Does this dress make me look fat during an earthquake"? Then this may be just what you are looking for, you big ol' lovable high net worth individual, you!

BAE Systems has partnered with luxury transport design consultancy firm Design Q to develop an "Air Deck" viewing platform concept for BAE’s Avro Business Jet (ABJ). Aimed at jet setters that like heading off the beaten flight path, the Air Deck transforms the rear of the aircraft into an extended living space by way of an elevated outdoor viewing deck.

Adapted from the cargo side-door modification, an electrohydraulically powered side door opens to reveal a concealed platform that extends out from the rear of the aircraft and allows passengers to take in the evening air in secure surroundings. And since the ABJ aircraft are designed to access short and unpaved runways in remote locations, those surroundings won’t be limited to less than picturesque airport runways and hangars. Now you can land right on top of any disaster.

The Explorer One includes a high-spec interior and is aimed at “high net worth individuals who want the freedom to travel and explore remote locations in a stylish and comfortable way.” It includes a fully equipped office workstation in the forward bulkhead and a large display cabinet on the opposite side of the aircraft. A place to display your trophy mounts, be it mounted or still breathing. White marble stone is used on the floor of the entrance vestibule as well as the central table situated aft of the lounge in a crescent shaped alcove.

WTF you say? A bit skimpy on the Luxuries and the number of "friends" that can be taken along on a junket? Fear not for what better honour is it for us pee-on's but to give up our capital, individually just a mere pittance of what is needed, so that you may upgrade to a shiny new Explorer Four model!

Explorer Four might be a better bet. Aimed at the luxury charter market it can accommodate four couples or singles in their own private VIP cabins. Each cabin includes a sofa and chair combo that converts into a full-sized double bed, an entertainment system with a 17-inch HD monitor and a full-length wardrobe. There is also a crew rest area for the on-board service team located in the converted lower hold area. See, the rich do take care of their pets!

Gary Doy, Owner/Director of Design Q said: “These concepts challenge conventional thinking and blend the proven attributes of the ABJ a blow job aircraft with customer focused design solutions providing a unique lifestyle product. I believe these products will have enormous appeal to owners and operators who are looking for the ultimate luxury travel experience.” In other words  FTW! and U2!

Please make sure your porch is in an upright and locked position before takeoff.  


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Everglades Pythons win. Get your alligator hunting permit here.

You big bunch of sissy Rambo's!

Do you know how many pythons were successfully hunted this past year?
You couldn't catch a python if it slithered out your big wazoo!
All mouth and no python boots for you!

Well my chaps, 
for I know what you wearing,
Redemption time is neigh!

The alligator hunting season runs 11 consecutive weeks from Aug. 15 through Nov. 1.
Approximately 6,000 alligator harvest permits will be available.
Winners will be selected in a random drawing.
All those seeking a harvest permit must be at least 18 years old by Aug. 15. 

A permit allows the harvest of two alligators on a designated area.
Successful applicants must pay for an alligator trapping license and two alligator harvest tags, or provide proof of a valid alligator trapping license (must be valid through Nov. 1) and pay the fee for two harvest tags. No other hunting licenses are required. 

The cost for a resident alligator trapping license and alligator harvest tags is $271.50, and nonresidents pay $1,021.50. 
The cost for each additional alligator hunting permit is $61.50, regardless of residency. 

The FWC offers a no-cost, three-hour training and orientation program in July and August at various locations throughout the state. Permit holders will receive, by mail, permit packages listing dates and locations.

Lets see if you mighty hunters can pull this hunt off?
I need new gator boots!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arizona, Home of the Fourth Reich Nazi Republicans

WTF!! Where did my America go? 

I remember the days of The Andy Griffin Show.

Now we have states talking succession, raising armies and now this crap from den demokratischen Staat Arizona. The capital, Buchenwald, former known as Phoenix, has issued new decrees for the non politicians of the state.

The law requires state and local police to determine the status of people and to arrest people who are unable to provide documentation.

"May I see your passport, please?"  Firesign Theater 

Soon other Far right states will adopt the same tactic employed by Arizona. A big "Yee....Haw" goes up in Texas and South Carolina will praise the Lord as the lord has praised them with tax free money and "Bitches".

Indians will file suit in den Demokratis Peoples Courts and the United States Supreme Court to allow Indians these same rights. Watch out Whitey!

I am sure that there is other pearls of shit buried in this bill and though these pearl may gleam for a few bigots who couldn't go a week working and living like the minimum wage scum they do not represent. These pearls stink of pure shit to the thinking people of this country.

Time to stop thinking and time to start doing?
I don't mean the right wing "grab a gun" approach.

Everyone should decry this and other atrocities the Right Wing Tea Party Republican Biggots. Made up of 99% lard-butter honkies. Call them out! Shout out their names! 

Write, blog, Letters to the editor and by a voice that can be heard by the apathetic!

WTF? These shit heads are not who my father fought in a war to protect us from.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Self Cleaning Brain Cells of Slacker Florida Teachers

"Because you can't, that's why!"

Remember back in the day, There was only so much knowledge that we had to learn and that was it, nothing much more to learn. If you do remember those days then you are most likely not reading this because you are afraid the InterWebNet will give you herpes.

In our lifetimes, we have seen the future become the past faster than we ever could imagined. The growth in academic publications is up 71.54% with a doubling time of 1.28 years, and for patent applications, filings are up 71.37% with a doubling time of 1.29 years.Knowledge now doubles itself every 15 months! WTF!!!

I remember my fathers grand parents telling me stories of living in a cabin. Shooting deer and turkeys out of the one and only window. The homestead was near 16 Mile (Big Beaver) Road. The 16 mile trip to the big town of Detroit would take them two days to make though it could be done in a day in an emergency. Their entire life was lived in a 20 mile radius. Never had a TV, washer / dryer or a hot water tank. A dentist for gramps was pliers to pull and chewing tobacco to staunch the blood flow. All done while sitting in the rocker on the front porch.

Great grandfathers only car was one he won in a radio contest. It was delivered, he tried it and the controls were not the same as was on a tractor. The car lasted 43.6 seconds.

My mothers grand parents had the first indoor bathroom and phone in their county. They were extremely progressive people.

My "Wonder Bread Years" was the Leave it to Beaver era, not to be confused in my later  beaver hunting era. A simple and happy time, except for the ever present threat of total global nuclear annihilation. The general public was taught not to think, to not ask questions of authority. Bliss.

In my lifetime, we have done what was once called impossible, too technically advanced or not even yet dreamed of as a possibility. And applications of these technologies is a whole new snowball of businesses rolling down the hill.  Nanotechnology is yesterday's plastics, Joe.

Thought is like many sided, rotating Rubik cube. Ever spinning in your head till they come together and a spark of a idea is emitted. Do you have any thoughts?

The internet helps. It can feed your mind with different cultures and ideas. I Posted two blog, one about liquid glass and the other about artificial spider hair surfaces. Did you read those yet? Why not, slacker? Go read them now! The rest of us will wait through you inconsideration. 

While they are catching up on reading, let me digress. With the growth of knowledge coming so rapidly, the teachers are out of touch on the subject unless they continually study and you know human nature, slackers, "I learned everything in college. I don't need to know more." That is too...too bad because you are a slacker. You are out of date, the people you are practicing teaching on may know more than you. So you are a teacher, the best this country has? I can't fathom the self importance these slackers have. The few good teachers are driven into private service leaving you behind to fill the void. And in Florida, teachers are not paid by results. WTF! I wish I had a job like that!

Ok....Thanks for taking the time to read my blogs.

What did you get out of those two articles? There maybe a thousand answers, a thousand careers. Perhaps you could combine the two technologies. An article covered by the two idea could make protected surfaces that clean themselves from a rain. 

Surrounded by mediocrity,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cosmic Toyota or The Ghost in the Machine?

"The Mystery Man came over
An' he said: "I'm outa-site!"
He said, for a nominal service charge,
I could reach nervonna t'nite."
Detroit Free Press

Federal regulators are studying whether sudden acceleration in Toyota's is linked to cosmic rays. Half of more than 1,500 recent complaints to regulators involve other models, raising questions whether Toyota has fixed its problem.

Radiation from space long has affected airplanes and spacecraft, and is known for triggering errors in computer systems, but has received scant attention in the auto industry.
"Look here brother, who you jiving with that cosmic debris?"

Or is the problem caused by The Ghost in the machine?
Defined as the unknown cause of malfunction or unexplainable abnormal behavior of a machine or computer.

An anonymous tipster whose complaint prompted regulators to look at the issue wrote that the design of Toyota's microprocessors, memory chips and software could make them more vulnerable than those of other automakers. Some researchers echo the concern, saying the possibility deserves a closer look.

Toyota, the industry leader in using electronic controls, claims that its engine controls are "robust against this type of interference." Such radiation occurs virtually anywhere.

Electronics makers have known for decades about "single event upsets" (SEUs) — computer errors from radiation created when cosmic rays strike the atmosphere, such radiation occurs virtually anywhere. Yet, the tipster last month told the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) that "the automotive industry has yet to truly anticipate SEUs."

The phenomenon can trigger software crashes that leave no trace. Unlike radio-wave interference, there's no way to physically block particles; such errors typically have to be prevented by a combination of software and hardware design.

Electronic throttle controls such as the ones under scrutiny in Toyota's are widespread in the industry. They're more reliable than mechanical links; they save weight and space; and they make other technology, such as stability control, possible.
Toyota staunchly defends its electronics, saying they were designed for "absolute reliability." The automaker said its systems "are not the same as typical consumer electronics. The durability, size, susceptibility and specifications of the automotive electronics make them robust against this type of interference.
WTF?! What kind of science is this? Cosmic particles pass through the planet. Even Mr. Toyoda's lead lined sack can not stop them!
Testing for the problem would involve putting vehicles in front of a particle accelerator and showering them with radiation, a step that experts said would help resolve the question.  Listening MR Toyoda?

"The Mystery Man got nervous
An' he fidget around a bit.
He reached in the pocket of his Mystery Robe
An' he whipped out a shaving kit!"

A minuscule portion of cosmic radiation falls to Earth. It's not enough to harm humans, but the risk of errors has grown as circuits in computers and cellphones on the ground have shrunk to the width of several dozen atoms.

And why will Toyota not release the data from their on-board event data recorders?  

"Now is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?"
                   Frank Zappa  

and Steve